Reading, Smashing, and Playing Ulysses
Ashplant is a set of tools and projects based on James Joyce's Ulysses. It is also a means of fostering the inheritance of classroom culture; that is, it forges connections among students studying the same material at different times, allowing new students to benefit from, remix, and add to the work of their predecessors.
The site is under development and will still have some quirks. Quirks can be charming, yes? The uncharming ones can become bug reports using the link at the bottom of each page.
The site is named for Stephen Dedalus's walking stick, which is not a simple support but his "casque and sword" (U 9.296) that he uses for everything from dancing and drumming to smashing a chandelier. Likewise, we want to find varied and surprising uses for this site.
The content of Ashplant is written by students at Grinnell College, whose interests and efforts drive the development of the site. The site's contributors are listed in the About Ashplant section, as are the many people and institutions who have supported Ashplant. The student contributors include those who have taken Erik Simpson's courses on Ulysses at the College since 2009, as well as other students who have done summer research related to the project.
The site is authored collectively, so that the work can carry on beyond a single student or a single semester. One student might write a given piece, which is then revised by another, edited by a third, and tagged by a fourth. For students, creating this site becomes an introduction to various kinds of academic and communicative work.
Unless otherwise noted, Ashplant cites Ulysses by episode and line number using the Vintage edition of the novel edited by Hans Walter Gabler (New York: Vintage, 1986).How to Cite Ashplant
We hope that Ashplant will be helpful to students, teachers, and scholars of Ulysses. Anyone using our materials for academic or scholarly credit will, of course, want to cite Ashplant.
To cite a page from Ashplant in MLA style, use this format:
"[page name]." Ashplant. The Grinnell Ulysses Collective. Web. [date of accessing Ashplant, formatted like "26 Nov. 2014" but without quotation marks].
For more on MLA citation or to use other citation styles, consult a guide such as Purdue's OWL.